Location Information Storage and Usage

  1. Why We Store Location Information

    1. a. Service Provision: At Urban Culture, we collect and store your location information to enhance your experience and provide location-specific services. This allows us to connect you with service professionals and offer relevant recommendations based on your geographical location.

    2. b. Service Optimization: Storing your location information helps us optimize our services and improve their efficiency. It enables us to offer real-time updates, accurate service availability, and timely notifications tailored to your location.

    3. c. Personalization: By utilizing your location data, we can personalize your Urban Culture experience further. We can provide location-specific recommendations, offers, and content that are relevant to your area, enhancing the value you receive from our platform.

  2. How We Use Location Information

    1. a. Service Recommendations: Your location data allows us to suggest services and service professionals in your vicinity. This ensures that you receive relevant options and increases the likelihood of finding the right service provider for your needs.

    2. b. Service Availability: By knowing your location, we can provide you with real-time information on service availability in your area. This helps you make informed decisions and schedule services conveniently.

    3. c. Notifications and Alerts: We may use your location information to send you timely notifications and alerts regarding service updates, promotions, and important announcements related to your area. This ensures that you stay informed about relevant offerings and opportunities.

    4. d. Service Provider Matching: When you request a service, we may utilize your location data to match you with service professionals who are available and geographically close to your specified location. This helps in optimizing service delivery and reducing response times.

  3. Data Security and Privacy

    We understand the importance of safeguarding your location information and prioritize its security and privacy. Here are the measures we take to protect your data:

    1. a. Secure Storage: Your location information is stored securely in our systems, utilizing industry-standard security protocols and encryption techniques. This prevents unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of your data.

    2. b. Limited Access: Access to your location information is restricted to authorized personnel who require it for service delivery and system administration purposes. We ensure that only those with a legitimate need can access and process this data.

    3. c. Data Retention: We retain your location information only for as long as necessary to provide you with the requested services and as required by applicable laws and regulations. Once the data is no longer needed, it is securely disposed of or anonymized to protect your privacy.

    4. d. Third-Party Services: In some cases, we may engage trusted third-party service providers who assist us in offering location-based services. These providers are contractually bound to handle your data securely and in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

  4. Your Consent and Control

    We respect your right to control your location information. Here are the options available to you:

    1. a. Location Permissions: You can choose to grant or revoke location permissions on your device. By adjusting these settings, you control whether our platform can access your location data.

    2. b. Location Sharing: You have the choice to share or withhold your location information when using our services. Certain features and functionalities may require location data to be enabled to provide you with an optimal experience.

    3. c. Account Settings: You can manage your location preferences and permissions within your Urban Culture account settings. This allows you to customize how your location information is used and shared.

  5. Updates to this Location Information Page

    We may update this Location Information page periodically to reflect changes in our practices or as required by applicable regulations. We encourage you to review this page regularly to stay informed about how we handle and protect your location data

  6. Account Deletion

    If you wish to delete your account, please note that this action is irreversible. Your customer rating will be reset. If you have made a transaction with the company, we will retain some of your data related to your transactions due to regulatory compliance and fraud prevention measures. If you haven't made any transaction with the company, your account and all associated data will be deleted in accordance with our data deletion policy.

  7. Contact Us

    If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding the storage and usage of your location information or this Location Information page, please contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected] . We are committed to addressing your inquiries promptly and ensuring the safety of your data.
    Last updated: [01-08-2023]